Monday 11 February 2013

Understand the Rules of Water Polo

Water Polo is a very demanding team sport played in water. It is sometimes described as a combination of swimming, soccer, basketball, ice hockey, rugby and wrestling - and much of this action takes place under the water! The players need to have the skills and fitness to tread water without using their hands, palm off opponents, and pass and shoot at goal under fatigue. In an average one hour game, they will be required to swim up to four to five kilometers (2.5 to 3 miles). Water polo athletes are indeed exceptional athletes.

Learn the Rules of the Game  
  • Objective
    The aim of the game is to score the most by throwing the ball through the opposing team's goal; within the opposing teams goal and to defend their own goal from being scored upon. Ridiculous helmets are a must. This is to prevent water log
  • Starting the Game
    Each team starts on the wall of their respective side with 7 players. 6 fielders and one goalkeeper. To start the game, the referee blows the whistle and throws the ball in at the center line represented by a white mark on the side of the pool deck. The two sprinters are the players closest to the side to where the ref threw the ball and are usually the teams fastest swimmer. The two teams race each other to be in possession of the ball and either pass or hand the ball off the the chaser who follows the sprinter.
  • Game play Rules
    After the first possession is taken, a shot clock is started for 30 seconds in which the team must score or the possession of the ball is changed resulting in a new shot clock. Possession changes when the time is up.
  • Fouls and Penalties
    Fouls in water polo vary from simple possession changes to full on ejections:
    • Minor Foul
      These are very common in water polo and result in a free pass play is not stopped for these fouls. They include mild grabbing and pushing. If a defender commits the foul, the fouled player gets a free pass to a team-mate, but can be blocked after the ball leaves the players hands. If the offense commits the foul, then the ball changes possession with a free pass.
    • Major Foul
      These are fouls when a defender is over aggressive on a player and result in being kicked out of the game until 20 seconds pass or until a possession change. They include grabbing, kicking pushing underwater and preventing movement. When committed, the attacking team is awarded a free pass and the defending team must play a man down.
    Understand the Positions
    • 3-3 Setup;
      The 3-3 is the most common setup for water polo and consists of 2 lines, each of 3 players. the front center position is the Set who the ball is trying to be passed too and is given the #6. The outside positions of the front line are the wings and given the numbers 1 and 5. The back center position is the point and is given the number 3. The outside back positions are the flats, or drivers and drive for the goal when the set is fouled. The flats are given the numbers 2 and 4.
    • 2-4 Setup
      The 2-4 is a set up when the team has man up. Like the 3-3 there are 2 lines. The front has 4 players and the back 2. Position names can greatly vary so here's a chart with the numbers.
    Understand Simple Tactics
    • Starting the Game
      It is the beginning of the game when the first possession is determined. When the Whistle is blown the sprinter goes after ball and is followed by the tailer. If the sprinter gets possession of the ball, then he either passes it to and open player, or if pressed, to the tailer behind him. The offense then set up a 3-3 and continues from there. If the sprint is lost then the sprinter defends the opposing tailer, and the tailer defends the opposing sprinter. The other players also take action accordingly.
    • 3-3 Offensive Tactics
      After the sprint or possession change, the team will attempt to set up a 3-3.
      The ball is usually started from the 2,3 or 4 positions. By passing the ball around the perimeter, the team tries to get to a position where the ball can get passed to set (6). The Set will then either have a shot on the goal, or get fouled. If fouled, it is the flats' (2 and 4) responsibility to drive toward the cage for a pass and then a shot. If no pass is made, the flats become the wings and the wings move back to the flats and the process is repeated.
    • 2-4 Offensive tactics
      The 2-4 set up is used when the opposing team is a man down, do to a foul or brutality..
      The front line of the set up is on the 2-meter line and the rear about 5 meters out. The 2 and 3 positions are on the posts of the goal. These are the equivalent of a set in a 3-3. The point is to get the ball to the 2 or 3 for a shot or for the 5 or 6 positions to get close enough to shoot. The tactics for offense are much the same as a 3-3 with the exception that there is no drive when a player is fouled.
    • Man to Man Defense
      This defense is used most often when each team has the same amount of players on the field and the way it works is to make it so there is no one for the offense to pass to. Each player chooses one player from the opposing team to guard and prevent a pass from reaching them. When played correctly, the offense will have the shot clock run out, or a pass will be blocked
    • Zone defense
      This defense method is used when the other team is a man up, or in circumstances where normal position line ups are broken. The basis of this defense is to guard the players with a good shot at the goal if passed to, and react effectively if the ball is passed to an open player. The main objective in this defense is to always keep the inside water, so that if the ball is passed to someone on the perimeter, their chance of making a goal is reduced. When played effectively, the shot-clock will expire, or the only shots available on the goal will be from the out side and easily blockable.


    • Water polo is a very physical sport and a rule of thumb is that if it happens under water, it isn't noticed. So there is very often kicking, grabbing, etc. that is never called by the ref. So it is very common for the ref to miss or choose to ignore many of the things that happen in the water that would otherwise get penalized.
    • The refs eyes are mostly focused where the ball is, and that is where most fouls will be called.
    • Water polo is a very complex sport, just as any team sport. These are only a few of the countless number of factors involved in the game.
    • The best way to understand the game is to watch a live game.
    • FINA has a lengthy, but complete rule book that explains all the fine details of the game.


    • Never argue with the ref. It can get you kicked out of the game and possibly penalize the team. Everything is at the ref's discretion!
    • Water is constantly being thrashed about the pool so you will probably get wet if you are near the pool.
    • Don't think that you can just read up on the sport and automatically become good. The sport involves swimming and eggbeatering constantly, and is very physically demanding. Most players have to be in the pool multiple times a week, work out and watch their eating habits to stay in prime shape.


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